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在这个人生旅程中,我们并不孤单。 创造我们的唯一真实的上帝在创造我们之前创造了天使。 他们中有些人反抗了他,反叛仍在继续。 撒但是这场叛乱的领袖,他是我们灵魂的敌人。 我们需要信任在十字架上击败撒但的无罪上帝之子。 救主不仅击败了撒但,而且击败了罪恶和死亡。 确实,弥赛亚通过将他的血在十字架上流血作为完美,足够的赎罪祭,来回应了我们灵魂被赎罪的需要。

Failing to study the Bible is a serious error.

We can learn so much from the first human beings that Our Creator created.

What did Eve do that was wrong? Eve relied on what she desired to do rather than what the LORD God had taught her and commanded her to do. She knew what God had commanded her not to do but she chose to disobey Him.

That’s why the LORD drove her out of the Garden of Eden.

In the Hebrew language Eden means paradise. Why did God use the word paradise to describe this garden that He had created?  I think He did this because we experience a glimpse of paradise when we trust and obey Him wholeheartedly.

When Eve lived in the Garden of Eden she had an intimate relationship with the LORD but after she sinned against Him their relationship was spoilt. Instead of delighting in Him she hid from Him.

When Eve disobeyed the LORD she sinned against Him. Everyone who has lived on earth, except Christ, has sinned against Him (God). Like Eve we err by following our own desires but we can’t please or honour God’s name by doing this.

Why is this? It’s because it goes against God’s teachings and what the sinless One has done on our behalf historically.

The situation is that everyone has sinned and fallen short of glorifying God.

God taught Adam and Eve that there was nothing they could do by relying on self effort to restore the intimate relationship they had had with Him.

Why was God the first person to shed blood? It was to teach Adam and Eve and us that without the shedding of blood (by God Himself) there can be no remission of sin. This pointed to Christ who poured out of His soul unto death as an atoning sacrifice. Only by trusting in Him (Christ) and His perfect sacrifice on the tree (the cross) can the LORD bless His creation with an intimate relationship with Him.

In God’s eyes when we continually, year after year, follow our own desires we are in the same situation as Adam and Eve. He didn’t accept their fig leaf covering nor does He accept our attempts during the course of our life to cover our spiritual nakedness. God Himself (Christ) (God’s sinless Son) came to earth and shed His blood, so that He could become our covering. He is the teacher, savior, king and Lord. Truly there is only one way to please the LORD and that is to trust and obey the good Shepherd.